Look Beyond What you See – #CCF


Look at the nearest clock. With a lazy glance you see numbers, perhaps hands, a circle or maybe a square-shaped face. Pay closer attention and you may determine the time. Be even more attentive and you begin to appreciate the design of your clock face. Imagine the technology that enables the hands to move, the numbers to change. Everything that happens behind what you see gives you a better understanding of how that clock portrays time. Now, take this principle and apply it to your perception of life. This is the message of Sufi Master Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan.

The above excerpt is from Versia Harris’ review of That which Transpires Behind that which Appears: The Experience of Sufism by Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, this week’s addition to the Fresh Milk Books Tumblr, the online space inviting interaction with our collection in the Colleen Lewis Reading Room.

For new Critical. Creative. Fresh reviews every week, look out for our #CCF Tuesdays and see the good reads we have available at Fresh Milk!

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